Next year (2019) is the 30th anniversary of the ABCD, and we’re delighted to announce that to mark this special occasion, our AGM and Team of the Year Presentations will be held in the Houses of Parliament.
The Cleaning Industry Parliamentary Supporter, Jim Fitzpatrick will host a luncheon for us in a House of Commons Dining Room on May 18th 2019, and will invite the Local Government Minister (whoever that will be at the time) to join us for this auspicious event. This could be a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to the place where all the decisions affecting Council work are ultimately determined.
We’re currently exploring sponsorship opportunities so that we can make this as affordable as possible for our members to attend, and the room size restricts us to 50 places.
Please pencil the date in your diaries and we’ll keep you informed of when tickets become available.
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